TSEP is now a private limited company (GmbH)

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” (John F. Kennedy)

TSE Plazotta has grown significantly over the past 30 years, not only in terms of the number of employees, but also through the development of several of our own products and through the continuous expansion of our services. TSEP has established itself as a competent and reliable partner for its customers thanks to decades of experience in the automotive, communications engineering, telecommunications and test & measurement sectors.

We are proud of our path so far under the leadership of Peter Plazotta, David Courtney and Simon Plazotta, and are now looking forward to starting into the future as Technical Software Engineering Plazotta GmbH.

The founding of the GmbH is the first step in order to be able to start motivated with our employees into the future. Through targeted changemanagement and under the new conditions of newwork, we have now laid the first foundation stone to successfully shape the future together with you.

We are thankful to work with such a great team every day!