Comprehensive T&M expertise "Made in Germany"

Everything from a single source. That is TSEP.

Experience and quality in the nano sector

From definition to concept, from planning to implementation, from commissioning to support – we have been developing and implementing excellent and customized TM systems for over 30 years. During this time, we have acquired special expertise in the fields of communications engineering, telecommunications, measurement technology and automotive.

TSEP gets you to your destination faster/more agile/more efficiently

TSEP brings you


more agile

more efficient

to the destination

Mapping highly complex test and inspection scenarios places ever-increasing demands on companies and product development.
TSEP helps you to master your T&M tasks and save time and costs at the same time.

Our T&M team is ready for you!

Get to know us even better now!

The best way to discuss your testing and measurement challenges is in person.
Get in touch with our experts now.
We look forward to getting to know your tasks!

The constantly growing TSEP team with currently over 40 experienced development engineers guarantees you requirement-specific and affordable TM solutions – and maximum customer orientation.

The convincing TSEP THEMIS arguments

Proven, modular basic components

Precisely fitting, ready to use and flexibly scalable

Integrated and user-friendly

Comprehensive service and support from Germany

Significantly more cost-effective than standard PXI/PXIe systems

Functional and cost-efficient

Quick to use and adaptable

Customizable hardware and software components

May we introduce ourselves?

Take a look behind the scenes at TSEP.
Read more about the people who drive TSEP and the milestones in our company history.

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IEEE 1588 – the measure of all things in time synchronization

TSEP THEMIS stands for distributed and precisely synchronized measurement – thanks to the integration of the IEEE 1588 standard and the Precision Time Protocol (PTP).